Choreographer Clara Andermatt and dancer Mickaella Dantas initially started this project in 2017, presenting it for the first time in 2018 under the title “A Educação da Desordem” (Educating Disorder). It is the open nature of this ongoing interdisciplinary research project in the fields of Dance, Performance and Photography that sustains the development of thought, shape, and even its designation.
The oddness and the disorder of Mickaella's body (one of her legs was amputated) and the scope of her movements with a prosthetic leg, turned backwards (with each foot pointing in opposite directions), creates an impossible body which, paradoxically, is real. A simultaneously beautiful, atrocious, even comic body.
After each performance-conference the audience is invited to join in a post-show talk with the two artists, bringing their experiences and opinions, which in turn contribute with new ideas and new directions for the ensuing mutations of the piece.