Dawn at Galamanta

“Dawn at Galamanta” is an inclusive contemporary opera, where the Swedish composer Christian Lindberg portrays human frailty, when confronted with love, envy, treason, and guilt.

In this version of “Dawn at Galamanta”, Andermatt works with a diverse group of interpreters, with different types of disability and backgrounds, exploring the possibilities of producing high quality artistic work with persons with different disabilities, experiences, and training. At the same time, the composer tries to motivate all the participants to develop their artistic capabilities. The libretto was not pre-defined and was instead created in a close creative relationship with the participants.

“Dawn at Galamanta” also establishes bridges between renowned artists and the two community projects promoted by Santa Maria da Feira's City Council: the "LaB inDança" (promoted by the Social Welfare services of the municipality) and the Youth's Orchestra and Symphonic Band of Santa Maria da Feira.

Inviting well known artists to work closely in projects aimed at the local communities has the great advantage of increasing the project's visibility, enticing wider audiences. Each show encourages, motivates, and enhances the artistic development of all the performers involved, generating works with significance for the local community.


Direction and choreography Clara Andermatt | Musical direction Paulo Martins | Creation assistant Susana de Figueiredo | Creative collaborators - invited performers André Araújo e Jonas Lopes | Creative collaborators - interpreters "LaB inDança" (Catarina Bento, Eva Joana Silva, Eugénia Pires, Isa Rodrigues, Isabel Pinto, Joana Colaço Silva, Nelson Vieira, Raquel Monteiro, Sara Alves, Sara Daniela Barbosa, Sara Patrícia Oliveira, Sónia Alves, Tânia Oliveira and Vânia Ferreira) | Music Orquestra e Banda Sinfónica Jovem de Santa Maria da Feira (oboes – Andreia Pereira, Luís Matos; flutes – Célia Silva, Maria oliveira, Sara Silva; clarinets – Ivo Pinho, Nuno Pereira, Virgínia Amedeiros, Micaela Saraiva, Ana Catarina Bastos, André Teixeira, Francisco Oliveira, Beatriz Mota, João Ferreira, Bruno Moreira, Daniel Monteiro; saxophones – André Correia, Rúben Raimundo, Miguel Pereira, Manuel Silva; bassons – Sandra Ochoa, Beatriz RiosFrench horns – João Milheiro, Sérgio Pereira, Diogo, Rui Vidal; trombones – Renato Reis, Élson Pinho, Rafael Soares, Fábio Silva; tuba – Xavier Novo, João Soares; percussion – Marcelo Pinho, Rui Milheiro, Jesus Buylia, João Maia, Sérgio França, Pedro Castro, João Martins) | Lighting designer Matu | Costume designer Victor Hugo Pontes | Stage director João Matos | "LaB inDança" project coordinator Lisete Costa | "LaB inDança" project assistant: Filipa Cardoso | Executive production ACCCA Companhia Clara Andermatt (Elisabete Fragoso, Guy Swinnerton) | Special thanks to Henrique Amoedo, Maria de Fátima Leandro, Mickaella Dantas, Telmo Ferreira, Teatro Nacional de São João, Europarque Cidade dos Eventos

Photos by Victor Hugo Pontes

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