
Dawn at Galamanta

“Dawn at Galamanta” is an inclusive contemporary opera written by the composer Christian Lindberg for a specific and heterogenous group of participants. The "LaB inDança" project started when Santa Maria da Feira's City Council invited Clara Andermatt to develop an area of social intervention, with the aim of giving the opportunity to people with disabilities to experience dance. This piece is performed by the project's participants and by the Youth's Orchestra and Symphonic Band of Santa Maria da Feira.

Vira como a Vida (Turning Around Like Life)

Clara Andermatt created “Vira como a Vida” with a Folklore group from the collectivity Casa do Povo of Serzedelo, and the rock band Macadame. Serzedelo is a village with around 4000 inhabitants in the North of Portugal. This piece was made for a programme in the ambit of Guimarães 2012 - European Capital of Culture. “Vira como a Vida”, a show for the public space, was part of a parade led by the Catalan troupe La Fura dels Baus. The title derives from a traditional folk dance called “Vira”, which means spinning or turning round and round. In this piece, tradition and contemporaneity meet and intersect through sound and movement.

Meu Céu (My Heaven)

“Meu Céu” is a street show created by Clara Andermatt for a town in the North of Portugal called Santa Maria da Feira. “Meu Céu” brings together a remarkably diverse team of dancers, actors, composers, traceurs, a group of performers aged 60 years or over, a rock band and a lyric singer. Appropriating the architectonic characteristics of the site and constructing a dramaturgy from the musical composition of João Lucas and Vítor Rua, “Meu Céu” is a large format production that brings together experimentation, risk and engagement, and that invites the audience to embark in a kind of community ritual.