O Canto do Cisne (Swan Song)

Commissioned by the Ballet Gulbenkian, “O Canto do Cisne” explores the attraction between distant worlds, the confrontation with the unknown, and the contradiction between the ordinary and the extraordinary.

Onstage, the Ballet Gulbenkian dancers embody ruptures, with harmonious movements that are delicate and beautiful, contrasted with unsettling and anxious ones. It is a metaphor for the constant mutability of the past and the search for the unknown, on the margins of death.

Clara Andermatt choses the composition “The Swan”, by Camille Saint-Saens (1835-1921), and invites Vítor Rua to create variations on the original score.


Artistic direction and choreography Clara Andermatt | Assistant Amélia Bentes | Music Vítor Rua (variations of “The Swan” theme, by Camille Saint-Saens) | Lighting designer Rui Horta | Costume designer Aleksandar Protic | Performers Mónica Gomes, Barbara Griggi, Wubkje Kuindersma, Sylvia Rijmer, Iolanda Rodrigues, Carlos Prado, Nelson Smith, Jermaine Maurice Spivey, Rodrigo Vieira | Production Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation – Music Department

Photos by Amir Sfair, Alceu Bett

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