
Musician and composer Orlando Barreto, better known as Pantera, was born in Santiago, Cape Verde, in 1967 and left us at the age of 33. His daughter Darlene - who was only 6 years old at the time of her father's death - has been developing a research on Pantera's life and work for the last few years; it was in this context that she challenged us to honor him.

Pantera opened new paths in his country's music. In his voice pulses Cape Verde and its people: exploring the forms of tradition, he gave birth to a poetry full of love, insight and assertiveness. On these traits we find our own vision, through the experiences we were able to share with him, as a friend and as an artist. Beyond this reunion in the reliving of his creativity and affection, we follow a path of exploration, immersing ourselves in his land, customs and culture, while projecting them into a contemporary world where he also positioned himself.

This is a show built on the wanderings of memory. And it is, above all, an intense and dynamic experience of collaboration. Each of the performers establishes a personal relationship in remembering his own experience and gives us back a creative richness that becomes the value and meaning of this tribute. Between the many things left undone and the many things left unsaid, this is our message to Pantera.


artistic director: Clara Andermatt | creation: Clara Andermatt and João Lucas | tribute idea: Darlene Barreto | special participation: Mayra Andrade | artistic assistance: Felix Lozano, Amélia Bentes | performers: Avelino Chantre (Avê), Bruno Amarante (Djam Neguin), Diogo Picão Oliveira, Domingos Sá (Kabum), Jorge Almeida, José Cardoso (Zeca), Nickita Bulú, Sócrates Napoleão | lighting designer: Nuno Meira | costume designer: José António Tenente | scenic space: Artur Pinheiro | sound design and operation: Ricardo Figueiredo | lighting operation: Manuel Abrantes | video and making of: Catarina Alves Costa | production: ACCCA - Companhia Clara Andermatt | co-production: Centro Cultural de Belém, Teatro Municipal do Porto, Cineteatro Louletano, Cine-Teatro Avenida, Teatro José Lúcio da Silva, 23 Milhas - Ílhavo | residences partners: Musibéria, O Espaço do Tempo | Cape Verde residence partners: Camões - Centro Cultural Português na Praia, Câmara Municipal de Santa Catarina | communication partner: Antena 2 | audiovisual archive transcription support: Universidade de Aveiro | executive production: Helena Menino, João Albano, Andreia Cordeiro | production support: Linha de Fuga, Jasper Walgrave | special thanks: Darlene Barreto, Andreia Falcão Mendes, João Branco, Bob Mascarenhas, Raiz di Polon, Estúdio Gota D'Arte, Teatro do Bairro, Centro Cultural de Cabo Verde em Lisboa, Interpress - Hub Criativo do Bairro Alto

Cape Verde Tour
partners: República Portuguesa - Ministério da Cultura / Direção-Geral das Artes, Ministério da Cultura e Indústrias Criativas de Cabo Verde, Camões – Centro Cultural Português na Praia, Fundação Orlando Pantera, Associação Mindelact | support: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, CVTelecom (CVMóvel), Câmara Municipal da Praia, Ímpar Seguros, PassiD | local production support: Fundação Orlando Pantera/Darlene Barreto, Elizabete Fernandes (Betty), Mano Preto

ACCCA is a structure financed by República Portuguesa - Ministério da Cultura / Direção-Geral das Artes


Photos by Rita Carmo / CCB

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